Monday, January 1, 2007

Greetings Peeps

Welcome to my blog of all things weight-related, mainly having to do with my struggles to accept my less-than-perfect body.

Formerly anorexic and bulimic, now trying to reject those behaviors and growing fat as a consequence, I endure a constant war in my head between two opposing factions: the one that insists that I lose weight by any means necessary versus the one that tells me that the key to overcoming my eating disorder is to eat and accept myself no matter what.

I intend to discuss all issues related to weight, from the latest diets, to celebs, to weight loss science in the news, to fat acceptance, to plus size fashion. If it catches my eating disordered/fat accepting attention, it'll end up in here. I hope someone enjoys reading it.

So, Welcome and Enjoy.


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